Thursday 4 December 2014

Research: Title Sequences

Art of the title- Analysis of Title Sequences

-The opening sequences of a film would usually feature the film’s production company, director, producer and sometimes authors maybe included if the film is based on a film and the names of the lead actors the order may vary depending on what the director of the film is wishing for but typically it would start off with the tile, then the producer/director then the lead actors and everything else would come after that

-Fonts are original and created by the producers solely for that film. By using such original font it gives the movie that originality that only that film has, which can allow people to recognise it. One example of someone not creating their own font is Avatar as the font was from word which got many criticisms despite it not being used until then

-The music and sound that is created is used to suit the theme, genre of the film and creates an atmosphere the audience can feel in terms of what is used such as minor sounds to create a sinister feeling and major sounds for a warm happy, feeling

-Titles sequences are created in a very unique way in order to show the audience a preview into what the film is about in terms of genre, theme, plot and it may even show when and where the film is set

-Title sequences are so unique as it varies from different films as it is from different directors point of view which can have quite an impact which may often make the audience remember


-007 motif, huge franchise easily recognisable, iconic, guns

-foreshadowing in the beginning linking to previous film but NOT all films may do this as they may not have a series of a film

-we only see the main character, combined with the sense of falling using the unique title sequence 

-transitions from one bullet hole into another, emphasis are put on the 007 motif, relating to the fact he can kill

-dragons used to show the film will be set in China

-fire used to give the feeling of hell and danger

-shadows used to show the feeling of continuous danger

-dramatic music suits the mood, the sense of falling deeper and deeper, Skyfall by Adele is very spacey adding to the drama 

-discreet title sequence in its own way by linking to the actual name of the title 

-CGI & animation used a lot to create the unique memorable title sequence

-transitions of the character walking home from one place to another using animation

-the unique effect used on the film is used to give it that animated feeling over the motion capture 

-focuses mainly on the main character as the camera followers her around and all the way home

-the storyline is hinted very cleverly

-tells you the location of where the film is set, small American town

-music gives the film that country vibe which emphasises it is a small American town but also hints at it is in one of the southern states, instruments such as a bango/guitar is used

-the music and the graphics set the tone for the film

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